Cafe Loco

React.js • FireBase Auth • AirTable DB

Cafe Loco is a device response application that uses React.js as the front-end and Airtable as the database. The app integrates with Google Firebase to facilitate authentication by enabling OAuth login. Cafe Loco is a full CRUD application that allows authorized users to browse, update, delete, and create new coffee recipes. The unique functionality of the site is the "ranking" page which let's users cast positive and negative votes for coffee recipes they like and dislike. The app orders the coffee recipes according to their rank!
JayWalkin Shoes

React.js • Express.js • MUI • Netlify

Jay Walkin Shoe Store is a full-stack application that uses Express.js for the back-end and React.js for the front-end. It is a full CRUD app that allows people to browse, update, delete, and create shoes. It features authentication to ensure actions are only performed by delegated users.
Prop. B Tracker

JavaScript • Axios • ATX Gov API

The ATX Prop. B Camping Ban Tracker uses the Austin, TX government API to gather data related to arrests and citations occurring since the passing of Prob. B. A law that makes it a crime to sit, lay, to camp in public areas.